Hashed Chain

Hashed Chain supports many of the popular prebuilt pallets, listed below, and also a custom pallet for Fruniques (FRactional UNIQUES) and a custom pallet for a gated marketplace, supporting optional pre-approval of each asset and each participant a configured set of Origin.

One immediate use case is with one of our partners, a tax credit marketplace. Tax credits are non-fungible tokens that may be subdivided in a manner where all data is inherited except for the amount, which is subtracted from the parent (similar to a UTXO chain). This process may repeat indefinitely.

Frunique Specifications
A Frunique is a type of NFT.
Like a vault, any set of fungible tokens or NFTs may be locked into a Frunique. The locked assets may only be unlocked when the Frunique is burned.
Fruniques can be composed of other Fruniques.
Fruniques support minting a new fungible token that is backed by a Frunique.
Fruniques support Uniques and Assets specifications for interoperability

This gated marketplace includes a role for enroller that is reponsible for confirming that new participants in the marketplace are eligible to participate. The accounts that hold enrollers status are decided by the marketplace creator, and may be dynamic based on any Origin.

An asset enroller role may be responsible for confirming that new assets in the marketplace are eligible to participate. In the case of tax credits, a licensed CPA attests to the authenticity based on the information provided.

The marketplace may also include a role for asset burner or redeemer, which may be responsible for working with participants to offboard their assets. This may involve having a licensed CPA or attorney send information or a form with various parties, or perhaps have a deed notarized. The specific asset will govern which asset burners are eligible.

Open Hashed Chain on polkadot.js.org



For more information about Fruniques, see the pallet documentation

Other Pallets on Hashed Chain


Hashed Chain provides a naming system that allows participants to add information, such as social media accounts, web domains, email addresses, etc. to their on-chain account and subsequently ask for verification of this information by registrars.


An index is a short and easy-to-remember version of an address. Claiming an index requires a deposit that is released when the index is cleared.

Social Recovery

The Recovery pallet is an M-of-N social recovery tool for users to gain access to their accounts if the private key or other authentication mechanism is lost. Through this pallet, a user is able to make calls on-behalf-of another account which they have recovered. The recovery process is protected by trusted “friends” whom the original account owner chooses. A threshold (M) out of N friends are needed to give another account access to the recoverable account.

Uniques (NFTs)

A simple, secure module for dealing with non-fungible assets.


The Treasury pallet provides a “pot” of funds that can be managed by stakeholders in the system and a structure for making spending proposals from this pot.

Roadmap: Integrate support for native multisig BTC in the treasury via PSBT and output descriptors


The Society module is an economic game which incentivizes users to participate and maintain a membership society.
